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50 Ways to Present Living Nature’s Plenitude
0 Startseite
01. Landscapes
01.1 Garden Fresco
02. Communities
03. Zoological Gardens
04. Aquaria
05. Chambers
06. Houses
07. Installations
08. Object Series
09. Creations
10. Gardens of Eden
11. Naming Scenes
12. Arks
13. Difference Markers
14. Hieroglyphics
15. Signs of the Zodiac
16. Logos
17. Portraits
18. Tables
19. Scatter Patterns
20. Hidden Object Pictures
21. Picture Series
22. Scene Stills
23. Comics
24. Films
25. Tableaus
26. Pies
27. Distributions
28. Graphical Models
29. Ladders
30. Trees
31. Nets
32. Circles
33. Curves
34. Straight Lines
35. Maps
36. Infographics
37. Narratives
38. Reports
39. Descriptions
40. Explanations
41. Simple Lists
42. Structured Lists
43. Rhymes
44. Free Verses
45. Formulae
46. Numerical Models
47. Numerical Tables
48. Single Numbers
49. Fables
50. Biodiversity’s Revenge
X. Texts
42. Structured Lists
42. Structured Lists
Ulisse Aldrovandi 1602 Taxonomic system of animals, in De animalibus insectis libri VII
Wolfgang Franzius 1612 Txonomic system of animals, in Historia animalium sacra
John Ray 1693 Animalium tabula generalis, in Synopsis methodica animalium quadrupedum et serpentini generis
Georg Adolf Suckow 1797 Taxonomic classification of animals, in Anfangsgründe der theoretischen und angewandten Naturgeschichte der Thiere, vol. 1
Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck 1801 Taxonomic system of animals, in Système des animaux sans vertèbres
Charles-Hélion Barbancois 1816 Classification des animaux, in Journal de physique 83
Paul Brohmer 1914 Key to animal phyla, in Fauna von Deutschland
Wilhelm Kühnelt 1953 Key for animal life forms according to their mode of locomotion, in Verhandlungen der zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft Wien 93, p. 69
Paul Brohmer 1984 Key to animal phyla, in Fauna von Deutschland
Taxonimic classification of animals through history