Picture series are sets of pictures that belong together thematically and formally, e.g. because they are part of a closed collection or belong to a collector’s album.


Master of the Playing Cards, 1425-40 (Max Geisberg 1905)

Allen & Ginter, Cigarette cards, Mammals, 12 cards, 1888

Allen & Ginter, Cigarette cards, 22 cards, Tropical Birds, 1889

John Player & Sons Cigarette cards, Animals of the World, 50 cards, 1901-02

John Player & Sons Cigarette cards, Animals of the World, 50 cards, 1931

Ludwig Zukowsky: Aus Wald und Flur. Tiere unserer Heimat, Reemtsma Cigaretten-Bilderdienst, Hamburg 1938

National Wildlife Federation: Wildlife Conservation Stamp Album, 76 stamps, 1938-39

Edgar Windt and Werner Schicke, in: Peter Kuhlemann, Wilde Tiere fremder Länder, Herba Sammelalbum, 1956

Walter Söllner, in: Franz Pfützenreiter, Tierwelt der Heimat, Herba Sammelalbum, 1960

Panini Animals, 180 species, 1970

Brooke Bond Tea cards, Vanishing Wildlife, 40 cards, 1978

Stamp series, Japan, 1875

Stamp series, Wildlife Conservation, USA, 1956

Stamp series, GDR, 1959

Stamp series, FRG, 1962-68

Stamp series, Poland, 1963

Stamp series, Royal Mail of Great Britain, 1977

Stamp series, North American Wildlife, USA, 1987